Electronics and Communication Engineering is one of the fastest growing branches of engineering. The recent developments in Computer, Networking, mobile communication, instrumentation, and Biomedical are realized because of the miniaturization of electronic components through the rapid growth of micro nano and VLSI technologies.
Electronics branch considers with the design, fabrication, maintenance, supervision and manufacturing of electronic components as well as equipments which can be widely used in various industries and house hold equipments. The students are directed to prepare to take up the leading role in continuing the exploration of modern communication, research and designing of the next generation products. Recent emerging technologies such as 3G & 4G communication provides the possibility of real time high quality video and high speed internet connectivity.
The Department is provided with modern facilities and high end equipments for stimulating the inner talents of the students to global standards. Work-shops, seminars, conferences and training programmes are organized regularly to catch up with the emerging technologies and to update the latest developments in the relevant field
The Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering has been playing a vital role in producing quality engineers ever since it was established in the year 2009. The department runs one under graduate program and one post graduate programs to cater to the ever – changing needs of technical excellence in all areas of Electronics and Communication Engineering such as VLSI Design, Embedded Systems, Telecommunications, Signal Processing etc. The intake for Under Graduate Program (B. Tech) is 120. The department also offers Post Graduation program with specialization in Applied Electronics and Communication Systems (AECS) with an intake of 18.
Keeping in mind the great potential and demand for new communication technologies, the department aims at imparting its students with the latest knowledge in the field. To accomplish this, the department has well stocked laboratories housing various modern equipments and special software packages to enable the students to keep pace with the fast changing technology.
To produce globally competitive and socially sensitized Engineering graduates and to establish the dept as a center of excellence by bringing out the professional competence in the core areas of Electronics and Communication Engineering.
Establish a unique learning environment to enable the students to face the challenges in Electronics and Communication Engineering field & to Achieve Excellence in Technical Education through effective teaching-learning process and best infrastructure.
Faculty development program/ Workshops
1. Arul V H , Assistant prof. ECE dept attended a 2 day national workshop on IOT at HITS ,during july 2018.
2. Mrs. Indrasena N V and Mrs.Neenu P A (Assistant Prof. ECE Dept) attended a 2 day FDP in ‘Document Preparation using LaTex’ held at Royal College Of Engineering And Technology ,Akkikavu during 19/7/18 and 20/7/18.
3.Remya Krishna J S and Chithra K R (ASSISTANT PROF. ECE dept) attended a 3 days workshop on ‘ audio and video processing’ held at Vidya Academy Of Science And Technology, Thalakotukara on 16/7/18 to 18/7/18.
Workshops Conducted
Ms Nithyasree N of S8 ECE, is awarded by Architects & Engineers Association on September 15th 2018 ( DISTRICT TOPPER, ECE)