About Us

One of the most challenging components of improving your profession in the modern world is career progression. To keep up with the rapid developments in telecommunications systems, consumer electronics, and computer-based designs, APJ Abdul Kalam Technological University keeps a close eye on the microelectronic embedded systems at the heart of these technological breakthroughs.
B. Tech in Electronics and Computer Engineering programme is designed as a four-year cross-discipline undergraduate programme to impart skills in electronics hardware, software, and IT development. The course deals with the design of computers and computer systems with electronic hardware concepts and the design of new hardware and software technology. Electronics and Computer Engineering is a branch of electronics engineering that deals with electron effects to build components, devices, and software-based systems.
The curriculum includes in-depth lectures on problem-solving techniques, data structures, OOPs, software application design, and other aspects of programming and algorithms. Additionally, it contains courses that lay the foundation for electronics, including digital electronics, embedded systems, signal processing, and electronic circuits. Graduates with this kind of co-design skill set will be needed in a wide range of industries in the future, including software application design, software development, Artificial Intelligence, Robotics, Networking, Internet of Things (IoT), semiconductor industry, design of VLSI and Embedded Systems, and applications in the defence, aerospace, automotive, healthcare, and agricultural fields.
It is visible that not only computer engineering students deal with the design of computers, computer systems, and the fundamental aspects of electronics and hardware concepts. They also taught how to design new hardware and software products. With the electronics, microelectronics, and embedded sectors in mind, today's world is witnessing significant expansion in telecommunication systems, consumer electronics, and computer-based designs. With the aid of this programme, you will be able to construct sophisticated electronic and microelectronic hardware systems.
The Department has state-of-the-art facilities and cutting-edge tools for igniting and honing students' innate skills to international standards. To keep up with new technology and the most recent advancements in the industries department offers workshops, seminars, conferences, and training programmes throughout the year. The department strives to provide its students with the most recent information in their respective fields.   To do this, the department provides well-stocked laboratories with a wide variety of contemporary tools and specialized software programs to help students stay up with the rapidly advancing technology.


Centre of excellence in Electronics and Computer Engineering capable of moulding globally competent and socially committed engineering graduates.


Imparting vital knowledge to create expertise in Electronics and Computer Engineering to interpret, develop, and design hardware and software systems to comprehend and address engineering challenges. 

To foster leadership traits and passion for cutting-edge technologies to increase student employability. 

Programme Specific Outcomes (PSO)

1. Ability to assess software systems to understand and solve engineering challenges using core knowledge in Electronics and Computer Engineering.

2. Ability to analyse, design, model and construct hardware systems to solve real-world and industrial challenges.

Programme Educational
Objectives (PEO)

1. Proficiency in designing and developing innovative Electronics and Computer system design solutions by applying mathematical and scientific expertise to solve current real-world challenges.

2. Continuous learning and field adaptation through graduate work,professional growth,independent research and collaborative efforts.










Speech Processing

M. Tech




Embedded Systems

B. Tech




Electronics & Communication Engineering

Teaching  Experience: 12 years
  • IEEE Member
  • ISTE –Life member
  • IAENG Life Member
  • Published a book chapter on "Artificial Intelligence for hybrid cloud security applications" 2024
  • Published a book chapter on Artificial Intelligence in data Mining, Elsevier 2021
  • Young researcher award 2019, Rajasthan
  • Author of Book Titled “Resuscitation” 2009
  • Arul V.H, RamalathaMarimuthu “ Speech Recognition using Taylor- gradient Descent Political Optimization based Deep Residual Network” Computer Speech & Language, 2022 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.csl.2022.101442 SCIE (Impact Factor- 4.3)
  • Arul V.H, RamalathaMarimuthu, V G Sivakumar, BasabiChakraborty “Taylor-DBN: A new framework for speech recognition system” International Journal of Wavelets, Multiresolution and Information Processing-Vol 19, No 2, 2021 https://doi.org/10.1142/S021969132050071X - SCIE-(Impact Factor- 1.4).
  • Arul V.H, RamalathaMarimuthu, V.G.Sivakumar, Basabichakraborty” Emotion Recognition of speech signal using Taylor series and Deep Belief Network based classification” Evolutionary Intelligence-Jan 2020 –Scopus-(Cite score-2.7)
  • Arul V.H, RamalathaMarimuthu, BasabiChakraborty “A Novel Approach to improve the speech intelligibility using Fractional Delta Amplitude Modulation Spectrogram” Cybernetics and Systems: An International Journal- SCIE /ACM Transaction,2018 Vol 49, no 7, page 421-451 DOI:10.1080/01969722.2018.1448241 (Impact Factor- 1.8).
  • Arul V.H, RamalathaMarimuthu, V.G.Sivakumar, " A Critical Review and Analysis on techniques of Speech Recognition: The road ahead" International Journal of Knowledge-based and Intelligent Engineering Systems 22 (2018) 39–57- Scopus (Cite score-3.4)
  • Arul V.H, RamalathaMarimuthu, BasabiChakraborty“ Adaptive Fractional Delta Amplitude Modulation Spectrogram:- An Improvised Method to Improve the Speech Intelligibility” IEEE  4th International Conference on Intelligent Computing in Data Sciences, Morocco, OCT 2020,DOI:10.1109/ICDS50568.2020.9268717 Scopus
  • Arul V.H, RamalathaMarimuthu, BasabiChakraborty “Emotion recognition system for specially needed people with optimized deep learning algorithm” IEEE 4th International Conference on Inventive Systems and Control, Jan 2020, pages 115-121,  DOI: 10.1109/ICISC47916.2020.9171190 , Coimbatore-Scopus
  • Arul V.H, RamalathaMarimuthu, BasabiChakraborty, “An Approach for Speech Enhancement using Deep Convolutional Neural Network” Multimedia ResearchVol 2 No 1 2019, 37-44
  • Arul V.H “Automatic Gas Controller Unit” “International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology”, Volume 8, Issue 5, May 2019. UGC Journal
  • AswathiMenon, Anjaly Krishnan, Arul. V.H,” Voice Recognition using MKMFCC  and VQ” ” International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology, April 2019, Volume 67, Issue4-- UGC Journal
  • Neethu Mohan,  Arul. V.H, ”An Improvised Word Recognition System by Hybridizing CNN and SIFT” International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology, April 2019, Volume 67, Issue4-- UGC Journal
  • Neethu Mohan,  Arul. V.H, ”An Improvised Word Recognition System Using CNN in a Non-Isolated Environment” International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology,  April 2019, Volume 67, Issue 4 –UGC Journal
  • Neethu Mohan, Arul. V.H, “A Review on Convolutional Neural Network and Scale Invariant Feature Transform” Journal of Computing Technologies, March 2019, Volume 8, Issue 3
  • Arul. V.H, “Intelligent word recognition system from EMG signal” in International Conference on Engineering Humanities & Science, May 2017
  • Amrutha N, Arul. V.H,” A Review on Noises in EMG Signal and it’s Removal” International Journal of Scientific and Research Publication, May 2017, Volume7, Issue5.
  • Arul V.H, RamalathaMarimuthu “A Study on Speech Recognition Technology” in Journal of Computing Technologies, July 2014.
  • Cherian Danny Joseph, Arul. V.H  “Comparative Study of Coded Modulation Schemes Using EXIT Chart and BER Characteristics ” in International Association of Engineers, World Congress on Engineering  2013, London
  •  Arul. V.H “Opto-bot- A Surveillance Robot Controlled by an Optical Mouse” in International Journal of Engineering Associates, December 2012.
  •  Arul. V.H, A L Vallikannu, “Mini-Bot-A Patrol Robot with Multi mechanical Joint and SWAP Algorithm” in International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, March 2012.
  •  Arul. V.H, A L Vallikannu, “Mini-Bot-A Patrol Robot with Multi mechanical Joint Along with SWAP Algorithm” in National Conference on Challenges in Automotive Technology (NC-CAT-12) Sathyabama University, Chennai, 2012.
  •  Arul. V.H, A L Vallikannu, “Mini-Bot- Autonomous Charging Robot with SWAP Algorithm” in International Conference on Computer Vision and Robotic 2012, Chandigarh.
  •  Arul. V.H, A L Vallikannu, “Mini-Bot-A Patrol Robot with Multi mechanical Joint and SWAP Algorithm-Design” in International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering and Technology, 2012.

  • Embedded Systems and Embedded System Design
  • Microprocessor 8086,8085, microcontrollers, PIC I6/18 series
  • Microprocessor-Based System Design
  • Robotics-speech processing
  • Arduino based Applications

Mr. Jeejo K P
Assistant Professor
Ms Remya Krishna J S
Assistant Professor
Ms. Varnya C
Assistant Professor
Ms Aswathi Menon
Assistant Professor
Ms Shahanas Kassim
Assistant Professor
Mr. Soundrarajan
Lab Instructor
Ms. Rari M M
Lab Assistant

Name: Sanjana V S
Branch: ERE
Achievement: Secured 9.5/10 SGPA in KTU S2 university Examination 


Name: Sanjana V S
Branch: ERE
Achievement: Secured 10/10 SGPA in KTU S1 university Examination 

  1. Engineering knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the solution of complex engineering problems.
  2. Problem analysis: Identify, formulate, research literature, and analyze complex engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering sciences.
  3. Design/development of solutions: Design solutions for complex engineering problems and design system components or processes that meet the specified needs with appropriate consideration for the public health and safety, and the cultural, societal, and environmental considerations.
  4. Conduct investigations of complex problems: Use research-based knowledge and research methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis of the information to provide valid conclusions.
  5. Modern tool usage: Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and modeling to complex engineering activities with an understanding of the limitations.
  6. The engineer and society: Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to the professional engineering practice.
  7. Environment and sustainability: Understand the impact of the professional engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge of, and need for sustainable development.
  8. Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of the engineering practice.
  9. Individual and team work: Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings.
  10. Communication: Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the engineering community and with society at large, such as, being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and receive clear instructions.
  11. Project management and finance: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the engineering and management principles and apply these to one’s own work, as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments.
  12. Life-long learning: Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological change.

1. Proficiency in designing and developing innovative Electronics and Computer system design solutions by applying mathematical and scientific expertise to solve current real-world challenges.

2. Continuous learning and field adaptation through graduate work,professional growth,independent research and collaborative efforts.

1. Ability to assess software systems to understand and solve engineering challenges using core knowledge in Electronics and Computer Engineering.

2. Ability to analyse, design, model and construct hardware systems to solve real-world and industrial challenges.